
Blog dosbarth Mrs Lloyd / Mrs Lloyd's class blog

Blog Dosbarth Mrs. Lloyd
Ein thema newydd yw Codi’r To ac wrth wneud map meddwl fe ofynnon ni’r cwestiwn : Sut  adeiladon nhw adeiladau tal iawn?  Gwylion ni fideo am yr adeiladau tal cyntaf a sut cafon nhw eu hadeiladu. Roedd e’n anhygoel pa mor ddewr oedd y gweithwyr yn cyd-bwyso ar ddarn o fetel cul heb harnes diogelwch!! Ein is-thema presennol yw Ar stepen ddrws ac rydym wedi bod yn cadw cofnod o ddefnydd adeiladau a chyfleusterau yr Eglwys Newydd ac Ystum Taf.
Roedd y siop ffrwythau newydd wedi dechrau heddiw ac roedd e’n llywddiant mawr.  Diolch am gefnogi y system newydd.
Ar ôl dechrau darllen y nofel War Horse trafodon ni greulondeb i anifeiliaid   Mynegon ni farn ar y defnydd o anifeiliaid yn y gweithlu ac os oeddent yn cael eu trin yn addas neu yn cael eu cam-drin.  Aethom ati wedyn i wneud gweithgareddau hwylus ac amrywiol ynglyn â’r pwnc e.e. creu poster, creu power point a perfformio hysbyseb radio.
Digwyddiad cyffrous arall yr wythnos hon oedd chwarae pêl-droed yn erbyn Ysgol Y Wern. Roedd llawer o fechgyn y dosbarth yn chwarae ac enillodd  tîm A Melin Gruffydd 8-1 ac ennillodd tîm B Melin Gruffydd 10-0.  Roedd hi’n gêm dda!!
Mrs. Lloyd’s Class Blog
Our new theme this term is Raising the roof and one of the ideas we came up with was discovering how skyscrapers are built.  We watched a video about the first skyscrapers and how they were constructed.  It was amazing to witness the bravery of the workers balancing on a thin beam without a safety-harness!! Our present sub-theme is On our doorstep.  We have been keeping track of which shops and other amenities in Whitchurch and Llandaf North our family have been using.
The new fruit shop started today and it was a huge success.  Thank you for supporting the new system.
After starting to read the novel War Horse by Michael Morpurgo we discussed the issue of cruelty to animals.  We gave our opinions on the use of anilmals in the workforce and if we thought they were being treated fairly or not.  We then  participated in various enjoyable activities. e.g. creating a poster, creating a power point and performing a radio commercial.
Another exciting event that occurred this week is that the school football team  played against  Ysgol Y Wern . Many of the boys in our class played and  the Melin Gruffydd A team won 8-1 and the Melin Gruffydd B team won 10-0.  It was an excellent game!!
                                                                                Gan/By Evan, Gethin, Tomos.                       

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