Yn ddiweddar aeth ein dosbarth ati i gwblhau rhai herïau yn ymwneud a’n cymuned ni. Dyma’r herïau a wnaethom:
· Cornel Creu – creu pentref allan o multilinks
· Gweithdy Gwybodaeth – hanes y cyfrifiad
· Creu a Darganfod – cyfradd curiad y galon
· Sgwad ‘Sgwennu - Ysgrifennu llythyr i gwyno.
Creu Pentref
Creu pentref allan o bedwar deg multilink. Roedd rhaid creu pentref cyfleus i bawb yn y gymuned. Roedd angen ystyried hen bobol a’r bobol ifanc a be fuasen nhw’n eu hoffi yn y pentref.
Hanes y Cyfrifiad
Edrychon ni ar fywydau plant Oes Fictoria. Roedden ni’n edrych ar sut oedd y cyfrifiad wedi helpu’r Llywodraeth heddiw i wybod faint o blant sydd yn byw ym Mhrydain.
Cyfradd Curiad y galon
Roedd yn rhaid edrych ar sut roedd uchder ac adrenalin yn effeithio ar guriad y galon.
Ysgrifennu Llythyr Cwyno
Roedd yn rhaid ysgrifennu llythyr at y cyngor i gwyno am y penderfyniad i droi’r parc lleol yn bwll nofio. Roedd yn rhaid penderfynu os roedden ni o blaid neu yn erbyn.
Recently our class did different challenges to do with this term’s theme, Raising the Roof.. These were our challenges:
· Creative Corner- design a village.
· Information Workshop – history of the census.
· Create and discover- heart beat.
· Writing Squad- writing a letter of complaint
Creative Corner
We created a village using forty multilinks. We were given the challenge of cdesigning a suitable village for everyone in the community. We had to think about old people and the young people and what they would like.
History of the Census
We looked at children’s lives in the Victorian era. We looked at how the census today helps the government to know how many children there are in Britain.
Heart Beat
We had to find out how height and adrenalin affects the human heart beat.
Writing a Letter of Complaint
We had to write a letter complaining about the Council’s decision to turn the local park into a swimming pool. We had to decide if we agreed or disagreed.
Daniel, Beca and Iwan